Welcome to the CIISA Standards Consultation

CIISA is not yet open to take cases or receive reports of harmful behaviour.

Details of organisations that can help if readers are affected by any of the content in the Standards can be found here: ciisa.org.uk/finding-help/

The consultation period has now closed and we will be publishing the outcome in late February

What are the CIISA Standards?

The CIISA Standards (‘the Standards’) are a set of expectations that set out the minimum standards of behaviour expected across the UK’s creative industries to enable safe and inclusive working environments. This includes preventing and tackling of all forms of bullying and harassment, including bullying and harassment of a discriminatory nature.

The Standards provide a framework for a single, unified vision of professional standards of behaviour within the creative industries. They aim to illustrate what a safe and inclusive working environment, which treats people with dignity, looks like, and are scalable to any size of organisation, production or project.

Click on the images to download a pdf of the respective documents.

How were the CIISA Standards developed?

The CIISA Standards were developed in collaboration with individuals and organisations across the creative industries. Development was led by the CIISA Standards Advisory Committee (See ‘Appendix III’) who met three times between July and October 2024 and is made up of representatives in film and/or television, music or theatre with experience of:

  • developing standards and/or guidance on behalf of workers (particularly freelancers);
  • supporting workers (particularly freelancers) with protected characteristics on discrimination in the workplace; and
  • developing and delivering behavioural standards while working with an employer/hirer in an HR capacity.

In addition to almost 60 meetings with organisations and special interest groups between May and November 2024, three workshops were held in October 2024 with representatives of freelancers in film and television, music, and theatre respectively, to check the relevance and relatability of the Standards.

We would also like to thank the many other individuals and organisations, including CIISA’s Co-Creation Council, who contributed to the development of these Standards.

CIISA Standards Advisory Commitee

CIISA is grateful for the support of the Standards Advisory Committee in the development of the CIISA Standards. The organisations represented on the Committee are:

Association of British Orchestras
Attitude is Everything
Black Lives in Music
CIISA (Chair)
The Film and TV Charity
Freelancers Make Theatre Work
Help Musicians
Musician’s Union
National Theatre
The Production Guild of Great Britain
Royal Exchange Theatre
Royal Shakespeare Company
Sony Music
TV Industry Human Rights Forum
Warner Bros. Discovery